Saturday, May 1, 2010

Me...Writing a Blog? I still can't believe it!

Wow, it's been a busy day. Started at 6am by hitting the garage sales (scored a new bike for my middle kid!), played outside, took oldest son to Half Price Books to purchase Kingdom Keepers (can't wait to read this series with him!) and then stopped at World Market to look at some chairs and jackpot, they were having a wine tasting! Good Times!

How rude, let me introduce myself. My name is Scott and well, this is my very first blog. Please accept my apologies if it starts off a little messy.

My family and I reside in North Texas, but I'm a North Carolinian at heart. I grew up in Eastern NC and graduated from East Carolina University. After college I accepted a job with a major airline and moved to the Dallas/Ft Worth area in 1991 for a "temporary assignment". I never dreamed that God's plan was for me to marry a Texan. No regrets though, Kristi and I have been married almost 15 years.

We have a full house here with 3 kiddos, ages, 6, 4 and 2, however having kids was not quite so easy for my wife and I. After years of unsuccessful attempts at getting pregnant, my wife and I decided to go the IVF route. We were very lucky in that our oldest was conceived on the first try. We weren't so lucky in that my wife developed preeclampsia and Benjamin was born 11 1/2 weeks early at 2lbs 6oz. Today, he is the 2nd tallest in his class and short of a light chest tube scar, there's no signs that he was a preemie! After much prayer and consideration, Kristi and I knew that we did not want Benjamin to be an only child, but we also knew that pregnancy was not an option for us. We found a great faith based adoption agency, Covenant Kids, in Arlington, TX. They work directly with Child Protective Services for Fostering and Foster to Adopt children. Lane and Jayla have been with us now over 1 year and there adoption was finalized a little more than 6 months ago. Our family is complete, we are The Parker's Party of 5!

In the coming days and months, I plan on sharing with you stories from our families past, present and future! I can't promise that every post will be grammatically correct or that every word will be spelled correctly, but I can promise you that all things I share on here will come from my heart.

Well, I had more to share on this first blog but Jayla has just advised met that she wants to watch Mickey Mouse on YouTube.

Thanks for checking out my blog!


1 comment:

  1. if it's the blinking mickey you might just offend half of the disney loving world
